How to Parent in Crowded Homes and Communities

Keeping your family safe and healthy can feel even harder when you live in crowded places. Here is what you can do. **1. Stay where you are.** * Limit the number of times people leave and enter your house * Only leave the house for important reasons like getting food or medical help **2. Exercise daily.** * Encourage children to think of physical activities that avoid contact with people outside your home * Jumping, dancing, or running in circles can be fun! **3. Share responsibilities.** * Try to share household chores, childcare, and other tasks equally among family members * Create a schedule with other adults in your household for “working time” and “resting time” * It is ok to ask for help when you are stressed and need a break! **4. Make hand washing and hygiene fun!** * It might be hard to find soap and water, but it is very important to practice good hygiene, especially in crowded homes where germs and bacteria can spread easily! * Try to make sure all family members wash their hands as often as possible * Let children teach each other how to wash their hands * Encourage children to avoid touching their faces **5. Help your children with physical distancing** * Explain to your children they have an important job of keeping themselves and their community healthy by temporarily physically distancing themselves from others * Show your children extra positive attention when they make an effort to practice safe physical distancing from others **6. Take a pause.** * When you are feeling stressed or upset, take a break! Even three deep breaths can make a difference.


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