Useful Tips for 9-12 month old infants!

TIPS AND TOYS YOU CAN USE FOR 9-12 MONTH OLD INFANTS - All members of the family can enjoy sharing new things with the infant. They can play simple hand games together, like “bye-bye”, and clap to the beat of music. - Tell your infant when you are leaving and reassure her/him that you will soon return. - You can leave a safe, comfortable object with your infant – one that reminds her/him of you and assures her/him that you will return. - To increase infants’ self-esteem and confidence, always take a positive approach to your child’s learning process. Try to say “yes”, “good”, “well done” more often, rather than “no”, “bad”, “not good”. - Simple toys, such as a doll or a ball, can be made out of recycling materials and fabrics. - Musical instruments can be made out of sticks, gourds with seeds, etc. You can make jingle bells, castanets, tambourines and other instruments very easily. Next article:
